Monday, May 31, 2010

Back Yard Lights!

For some reason we got really into our backyard this weekend. It's a little late because we just had a few friends over on Saturday when we had nothing. I guess I give credit to our friends Cliff and Viv when they were over for getting this jump started! After our furniture yesterday we got the idea of getting some lights for the yard as well. So, we ran to Target and picked up a couple solar lights for the stairs leading to the lawn and the lawn itself. Then we decided to get a couple party stringers to tie up from the deck to the trees. Looks cool now, just hope it lasts with the wind and stuff. Oh look, a little fire!



Bedroom painted

Well, I fixed one of these pics to show that all walls are suppose to be green. Tomorrow the one wall with the flower pic will be painted the proper green rather than the grey brown it is now. So bedroom is just about done for now.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Yard Furniture

New addition to the back yard, chairs and finally a little fire pit. It was a task just to get this home but I was somehow able to pack this whole set up in my car and get it home safely from San Carlos (Pics at the bottom). We had to pull it all out of the box but the pic kinda says it all.

We now have a great spot to hang out and have a few snacks as the sun goes down! Can't wait to get a fire started tomorrow! The cats love it too.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Office floor choice!

Office closet

Step one is finally done in my office closet. I had to rip out the wall due to a ton of mold and wasn't sure how I was going to get it back up. Well, even tonight I wasn't sure how I was going to do it but some how figured it out. Not bad for not knowing what I was doing! Hopefully tomorrow I can figure out how to get some drywall home to finish this bad boy up. After that, here come the floors!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Office Progress...

Finally was able to put a little bit of time toward getting my office finished. Actually, we made a lot of headway and feel like we could be in the final stretch. We got the last coat of red up, then I decided to get crazy and paint the ceiling DARK Grey! I hate the drop down ceiling and figured it would help me make my cave a home. So far I really like it and can't wait to get the engineered hardwood floor down. I finally know what I'm going to get so now gotta get the painting done. One more wall to paint, replace a few sockets and should be ready to go. Oh, also put up a new light tonight. The jury is still out on that. I like the vibe it puts off but they are pretty bright, hoping to be able to put them on a dimmer or something. That's it for now, here are a few quick pics.

Of course one was taken during the day and one at night but you get the idea:

Saturday, May 15, 2010

New Lawn Mower

Out with the old and in with the new. I guess it was only a matter of time but the push mower is no longer. It took way too long to get the grass cut and when you were done it wasn't a good finish. It was good exercise but the gas mower won out! Just finished the lawn in record time, something between 5 and 10min. Now thats what I'm talking about!